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Why leave the writing of your obituary up to a family member or friend when you can write your own?

Have you ever read an obituary and cringed? Perhaps it wasn’t very flattering, or it didn’t seem to capture the person’s life as you think they would have preferred…or, after a long life, the content was so brief and non-descriptive that you were left asking, I wonder what the real story of that person’s life was?Β Β Attend this class and write your own obituary in the company of people who won’t criticize or judge you. We will go over different styles of obituaries, what makes a good obituary, and common do’s and don’ts. Each student will then write their own and can choose to share or not with the group for discussion and feedback. This class meets in the Owl Hall on the main level of the Education Wing.Β  Admission: $35.00.

Please bring a notebook and pen to take notes.

John S. Parke
Before forming Leadership Synergies in 2001, Mr. Parke worked for Marriott International for more than 18 years, ultimately as Vice President of the Global Account Sales Organization. In that capacity, he was responsible for overseeing more than 200 senior sales executives and $1.3 billion of annual revenues. Under Mr. Parke’s leadership, the Marriott sales force was rated Number 1 by Sales & Marketing Magazine for three consecutive years.
He was a visiting lecturer at Cornell University for five years, where he designed and taught the Sales and Marketing Management program. He also teaches the ASAE and Center for Association Leadership Brand and Marketing course for the Business of Meetings certificate course.
Mr. Parke is a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) who has extensive experience in the hospitality industry and association community and has served on several boards, including Meeting Professionals International (MPI), E-Philanthropy, and Certified Meeting Professionals.
Mr. Parke is the author of the book Effective Sales Force Leadership, which is available through www.amazon.com.