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Dates: Hybrid Course, six Tuesdays beginning on January 4
Class Fee: $165.00 non-member/$150.00 member
For more information, click here.

In this class, students will explore options to re-think how colors are chosen for their painting while getting familiar with what is in their pastel box. The focus will be on looking at how color can change the impact or mood of the painting, assess color preferences, and explore ways to expand choices based on color harmonies. This will allow students to assess what pastels are needed to round out their palette. Participants will use reference photographs and still life objects to study the effects of light sources on color. Instruction includes preliminary planning with composition, notans, value, and color studies. Previous students can continue with their theme for painting in a series for large and small paintings. The class will experiment with underpainting techniques, using sanded papers (mounted or unmounted), prepared boards such as Ampersand Pastelboard, or self-prepared boards including pumice ground on gatorboard.