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Bass River Arts Campus
6 Saturdays, Sep 14-Oct 19, 10-1pm
Artist Ann Guiliani leads this exciting and fun class that welcomes students of any level. Learn how to connect your ideas to design as you discover how representational and abstract forms in artwork together in concept, composition, and construction. Trust yourself to experiment and explore and find your own unique marks with the sheer joy of painting. Working first in drawing exercises, you will gain an appreciation for design principles of line, shape, tonal values, and spatial relationships – the universal Aesthetic Principles. Whatever you learn through drawing will be applied to abstract painting as you work and play with acrylics, oil, collage, and assemblages with unconventional as well as conventional media.
Materials List: 
. Toolbox or carrying case
. Heavy duty drawing paper 18″x24″ 80lb or 100lb
. 18″x24″ newsprint pad
. Willow or vine charcoal sticks
. HB, 2B, 6B, & Ebony graphite in pencil or stick form
. Kneaded eraser
. Sharpie markers
. Round watercolor brush #8
. Assortment of brushes for oil & acrylic (ordinary – even rollers or foam)
. India or liquid Sumi black ink, 2oz bottle
. Any paints you have (acrylic tubes/bottles, oil tubes, Flash paint in tubes, even house paint – anything that will make a mark)
. Cloth floor covering
. Any collage materials (anything! photos, papers, paint swatches, coffee filters, tin foil, parchment, etc)
. Paste or glue stick
. Special papers (bristol board, vellum, pastel papers, etc)
Recommended sources: Dick Blick is best, also consider Amazon, Michaels, Job Lot, Jerry’s Artorama
Ann Guiliani
Ann has two Masters degrees: One in Painting and Art Education from New York University and one in Printmaking and Visual Design from the University of Massachusetts. Ann moved from West New York, New Jersey, to Cape Cod with her husband and taught at Cape Cod Community College from 1984 to 2000. Versed in so many media, she taught all the art offerings. She has had five solo shows since returning to Cape Cod in 2015. “My images start from daily life experiences: ‘something seen or experienced that must be said’. How I visually interact with a person or a place is never the same. Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher from the 5th century BC, believed that you could never step in the same river twice because it is not the same river, and you are not the same person. I share that belief. For me, life is fleeting and in a state of constant change. Through my art, I try to catch that moment and freeze it and perhaps revisit the image to see it in a different way.”
Price: $324
Member Price: $292
Drop-In: $60